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What Are the Pros and Cons of a Labrador?

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Labrador?

When you look at the list of top dog breeds in any given year, there’s one breed that will consistently be in the top ten – the Labrador Retriever.

Labs are known for being friendly, fun-loving, and family dogs, and that’s probably why there are millions of them bringing doggy sunshine to families around the world every day! We love labradors, but even the best dog breeds have both pros and cons. So, let’s take a closer look at what you can expect from your labrador on both sides of the coin.

Dog Breed Guide: Great Dane

Dog Breed Guide: Great Dane

Are you looking for an enormous lapdog? If you are, then the Great Dane may well be the breed for you. They’re the biggest breed that I have personally ever had to try to squeeze into my lap, and since it happened on more than one occasion with more than one dog, it’s definitely a breed thing!

Great Danes certainly are great – they’re enormous, of course, but they’re also gentle, fairly placid, and a great family dog. If they’re a second pet, they’ll get along with other animals, but they’re not great with new arrivals or strange animals. But their grooming needs are minimal, and despite their size, they don’t need excessive amounts of exercise, so if you have the space, they’re a good choice.

Dog Breed Guide: Doberman Pinscher

Dog Breed Guide: Doberman Pinscher

Anyone who remembers eighties TV remembers Higgins’ iconic Dobermans, Zeus, and Apollo. They were the pampered protectors of Higgins, and they were prime specimens of this poised and dignified breed.

Their sudden appearance was the punchline in many a screen joke, and many people (myself included) were very glad not to be involved in those confrontations! But while Dobies (as they are known by many who love the breed) are definitely good guard dogs, they’re also a popular breed throughout the world.

Dog Breed Guide: Australian Shepherd

Dog Breed Guide: Australian Shepherd

They may not be as well-known as Rough Collies and Border Collies, but if you like the idea of a herding dog and you want one that is playful and a good family dog, then the Australian Shepherd may well be it.

The Australian Shepherd is a great all-rounder. They make good watchdogs, but they’re also good with other pets and children. They’re not too big and not too small, and while they do take some grooming, their coat is usually not excessively thick, which also means they can cope okay with hot and cold temperatures as we get in Canada.

Dog Breed Guide: Miniature Schnauzer

Dog Breed Guide: Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer regularly makes the top breeds list and is definitely the most popular size of the Schnauzer family. It’s also a very recognizable breed when it’s had its haircut, that is!

Miniature Schnauzers are small in stature compared to their larger breed cousins, but what they lack in height, they absolutely make up in spunk. They’re playful, generally friendly, and easy to live with, and they’re cute to boot!