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How to Give Your Dog a Pill

How to Give Your Dog a Pill

Many times, if your dog is ill, your vet will give you pills to administer to your dog, an exercise that sounds simple enough but isn’t in some cases. Your dog could be like some children and simply refuse to take it, no matter how much you beg and plead and promise him that the pill will make him better.

The thing is, though, your vet has assured you that the medication will sort out the problem, so you have to get your dog to take their pills. Read on and find out how to give a pill to your dog the easy way.

What to Do If Your Dog Is Accidentally Poisoned

What to Do If Your Dog Is Accidentally Poisoned

Dogs of all ages are at risk of becoming accidentally poisoned, especially those that are really playful or bored. They will investigate all sorts of things in the home, and very often, it is these things that can cause them to become very ill or even die. Pills are the most common cause of accidental poisoning in dogs, so it is very important that you keep these locked away, out of reach of not only your pets but your small children as well.

What to Do If Your Dog Is Bitten By a Snake

What to Do If Your Dog Is Bitten By a Snake

Most parts of the world have snakes of some kind. Some, like Africa, South America and Asia have many venomous and otherwise deadly snakes, while some parts have less dangerous snakes. 

It's not always easy to tell what kind of snake your dog might have encountered, so it's a good idea to treat any kind of snake bite on your dog as a medical emergency. Here's what you need to know. 

What Is Bloat or Torsion In Dogs?

What Is Bloat or Torsion In Dogs?

Many dog owners don't know what bloat or torsion, as it's known in some parts of the world, is until it happens to them. 

However, not knowing doesn't protect your dogs, and since this can be a life-threatening or even fatal condition for dogs, it's so important that dog owners know what to look for and what to do. 

A Guide to Heartworm

A Guide to Heartworm

Heartworm disease in dogs is caused by mosquitoes and spread by the Dirofilaria immitis parasite, resulting in coughing, difficulty breathing, and death.

Learn more about what causes this serious condition and how it is treated here.